Colorist Training with Warren Eagles
I have been running color correction training classes for the past 20 years. For the past 10 they have all been through my training company the International Colorist Academy.
My classes are always a mix of learning the App alongside the Art. I always say learning the software is the easy part,
The ICA always aims to teach ‘why’ not just ‘how’ to do something.
DaVinci Resolve online training
In 2007 I released the world’s first online color training titles. These have been updated every year since as the Resolve software goes through it’s annual upgrade. Each class has 12 x 25 minute downloadable lessons that
you can follow along with the same media that is used in the lesson.
Click to see a class promo
- Resolve Fundamentals our introductory level course great for DITs, DPs, Editors and production companies.
- Advanced Resolve, for those who want to take their skills to the next level.
- Our cool new Looks & Matching Masterclass Learn some of the famous looks used in movies and commercials. When you have created the 'Look' you need to match it. This class also lets you submit your grades so they may be critiqued by myself in the Fxphd forum.
Click to see a class breakdown
Resolve Fundamentals v14
with Warren Eagles, Freelacne Colorist
Advanced Resolve v14
with Warren Eagles, Freelance Colorist
Warren’s Looks and Matching Masterclass with Resolve
with Warren Eagles, Freelance Colorist
Resolve v14 Mega Pack
with Warren Eagles, Freelance Colorist
Training with the International Colorist Academy
Warren Eagles is a founding member of the International Colorist Academy (ICA). The ICA offer three training solutions:
- Open classes, covering general color correction, workflows, clients, looks and styles etc. These courses are typically three days long.
- On Site, on your equipment at your facility. These are typically three to five days long.
- Custom training for a new project or suite. These arrangements are usually associated with a consulting contract.
We are continually developing new courses based on demand. Please contact us to explain your interests and describe your preferred locations.