New Year goals for 2019
I have lived in Australia for nearly 20 years and still find it funny wishing folk a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 30 degrees
We are in the first week of January and I want to take the time to wish all my clients, friends and followers a very successful and prosperous New Year, even though many of you in Australia will still be in holiday mode. No holiday for me as I am coloring for overseas clients where everybody is back to work at it’s around 3 degrees!
A New Year means a chance to take stock, refresh and redesign your goals. I always try to be realistic with my goals and not set too many. So this year I am going to concentrate on HDR for both the DP and the Colorist. I feel a better understanding of what the DP is trying to achieve with HDR, is only going to help me as a grader. I have so far only dabbled in HDR, grading RAW images, testing the Dolby Vision workflow and trying to understand, just what is an IMF?
I have seen many changes as a Colorist over the past 28 years and like it or loath it HDR is not going away. Netflix insist on a Dolby Vision HDR (SDR as Metadata) IMF package for their commissioned shows, the other Networks will follow.
I feel really optimistic going into 2019, hope to see you in 2019.